Data on the Web Best Practices: Challenges and Benefits

tipo: Palestras
publicado em: 30 de Abril de 2017
por: Bernadette Farias Lóscio, Caroline Burle, Newton Calegari
idiomas: English

Apresentação em inglês sobre as Boas Práticas para Dados nA Web: Desafios e Benefícios. Apresentada no Webinar organizado pelo Dublin Core.

Data on the Web Best Practices: Challenges and Benefits

There is a growing interest in the publication and consumption of data on the Web. Government and non-governmental organizations already provide a variety of data on the Web, some open, others with access restrictions, covering a variety of domains such as education, economics, ECommerce and scientific data. Developers, journalists, and others manipulate this data to create visualizations and perform data analysis. Experience in this area reveals that a number of important issues need to be addressed in order to meet the requirements of both publishers and data consumers.

In this webinar we will discuss the key challenges faced by publishers and data consumers when sharing data on the Web. We will also introduce the W3C Best Practices set ( to address these challenges. Finally, we will discuss the benefits of engaging data publishers in the use of Best Practices, as well as improving the way data sets are made available on the Web.